Saturday, November 5, 2011

Prescott Chapter Closing!

Nicole and I have been shifting our attention to other things, and we no longer have the time to lead the Dar a Luz chapter. Since attendance has been low at meetings, we feel our efforts are better used in other avenues. Sadly, we are saying goodbye to our Dar a Luz chapter.

If you are interested in other groups in the area check out these:
Parenting Circle: Second Tuesday of the month in the evening. Meetings at Prescott Public Library. Contact Nicole (928) 227-2986.

Breastfeeding Support Group: Third Monday of the month in the morning. Meetings at Prescott Public Library. Contact Julie at

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Yavapai County options - Birth Places

Tonight's meeting was birth places. Here's the information about local birth places:

Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC)
I talked to Connie Buckner, the director.
YRMC has 16 LDRP (labor, delivery, recovery, postpartum rooms).
Patients are cared for under the laborist model (the on-call, not prental, OB is present for birth) and under couplet care (one nurse for mom and baby).
Stats (current last month):
Primary c-section rate (no prior c-section): 18%
Overall c-section rate: 33%
Epidural rate: 40%
Induction rate: 30% (There must be a medical reason for induction before 39 weeks.)

Verde Valley Medical Center (VVMC)
VVMC has 4 LDR (labor,delivery,recovery rooms) and 11 postpartum rooms.
There is a separate room with a laboring tub.
(I wasn't able to reach the director at VVMC to find out more statistics.)

From NARM (North American Registry of Midwifes) - In the CPM 2000 study, the rate for transfer during labor or postpartum was 12%. C-section rate was 4%. Out of low risk cases, the death rate for babies was 1.7 per 1000 and there were no maternal deaths.
Waterbirth is available for homebirths.
There is continuity of care in homebirth - same provider for prenatal, all of labor, birth and postpartum.

Local homebirth midwives are Paula Matthew and Melody Fisher. There are other midwives that are licensed but not actively practicing.
Search under the "Obstetrics and Gynecology" specialty on the VVMC website or the YRMC website for a list of the OBs who deliver there.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oct. 13: Places of Birth

We will be discussing places of birth. We'll do a game to become more familiar with the options in our area - Verde Valley Med Ctr, Yavapai Regional Med Ctr, and homebirth.

Kids are welcome!

Location: The library was already booked for October, so for this month only, it will be at Laura Nyman's house in Chino Valley: 1399 W Rd 3 N, 86323.

When: Thursday, Oct 13 - 6:30-8pm.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sept 8: Sharing Birth Stories

When: Thursday Sept 8 from 6:30-8 pm

Where: Prescott Public Library, Bump room (2nd Level)

We will be sharing birth stories - we'd love to hear any and all birth stories, no matter the outcome or how long ago the birth was. It will be a time of reflection on the impact of that birth. You can start your reflection by looking at these questions (at the botton of the webpage).
All are welcome - moms, dads, kids, etc.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New meeting day and Planned topics for the fall

We are moving our monthly meetings to the second Thursday of the month - same time and place (Bump Room at Prescott Public Library at 6:30 pm).

Here's what is coming up!
Thurs Sept 8: Sharing Birth Stories
Thurs Oct 13: Places of Birth (this meeting will be at Laura's home in Chino Valley)
Thurs Nov 10: Pain Relief Options
Thurs Dec 8: Nutrition from Pre-pregnancy On

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

August 2: What to Expect Postpartum

We'll talk about what to expect postpartum - in your body, in emotions, with your baby, etc

When: 6:30-8 pm on August 2

Where: Bump room (2nd level by fish tank) in Prescott Public Library

Kids are welcome, as well as both moms and dads.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Keeping up-to-date on breastfeeding

Unfortunately, no one was able to make it to today's Dar a Luz meeting on breastfeeding. But here's a little tidbit to keep in mind on breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding science is constantly changing. Be aware of that when asking for advice - does the person you're asking keep up with the latest changes? There are drastic changes from a generation ago. For example, my mother told me during my first pregnancy to toughen my nipples before the birth to avoid sore nipples. More recent research has found no benefit from this - instead, attention to a good latch is more important.
I'm currently reading the 2010 edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, which has the latest updates. Here's a couple. First, recent research has found laid-back positions for breastfeeding to be beneficial for helping the baby latch and keeping breastfeeding comfortable. Second, the recommendation has been to pump or express a little if the breasts are so engorged that the baby cannot latch on. Now, we know that pumping can increase the pressure around the nipple and make the problem worse. Instead, reverse pressure softening is recommended right before nursing.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First Things First study

First, thanks for those who came to our meeting last night!

First Things First is doing a study with children under the age of six. Parents, primary caregivers, and child care providers can participate. See the website or call 1-888-704-8774. (By the way, First Things First is looking for volunteers on their Regional Partnership Council.)

- Laura

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June 7: Cloth Diapering

Cloth diapering has many benefits, but it can be overwhelming at first! Come join us as we talk about cloth diapers. We'll have many types of diapers to look at. Both Nicole and I have experience using them, so come with your questions!

When: 6:30 pm on June 7
Where: Prescott Public Library, Bump room (2nd floor near fish tank)

Families are welcome!

Monday, April 25, 2011

May Meeting

Hello, everyone, Nicole here!

Laura and I are planning our May meeting! We're very excited to be hosting Paula Matthew, LM, CPM to demonstrate belly dancing for pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Paula is an incredible dancer, you won't want to miss this!

As always, children and families are welcome. Can't wait to see you there!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 5: Doulas

Our April 5 meeting will be on doulas (professional labor support) - what they are, benefits, and local doulas.

We'll be at the Prescott Public Library in the Bump room (2nd floor by fish tank) at 6:30! Hope you can come.


Monday, January 24, 2011

February 1: How your partner can be involved in the birth

Labor can be a great bonding time for couples! Come learn some tools for your partner to promote your comfort.

We hope to see you at the Prescott downtown library on Tues, Feb. 1 at 6:30 pm. We'll be in the Bump Room (upstairs by the fish tank).

As a preview, we are planning on discussing comfort measures for labor on March 1 and doulas on April 5.